“Counselling quickly became a safe place to talk even when the subject we were discussing was really hard to deal with.”
In therapeutic counselling we will be listening to the impact of infertility on you and help and support you as you think through the impact of this on your relationships, work environment and how you see yourself.
Implications Counselling
Patients often describe a sense of loss when treatment doesn’t work and this loss is not always appreciated because you haven’t spoken with family and friends about what you have been going through.
We will help to support you through the arduous journey of IVF and possibly other treatments.
Anyone using donation ie egg, sperm, embryo, surrogacy or requiring some mental health support will automatically be referred to us for implications counselling. Doctors may also refer you for therapeutic counselling.
Fertility Counselling Service NI
Family Routes
Ground Floor
Unit 2
18 Heron Road
T: 028 9073 6081
E: fcsni@familyroutes.co.uk
Family Routes Charity No: 101826 Company No: NI24153